Nice to see concerned Departments in Action on taking back Parking grounds outside V.O.C market Southern boundry ,this has to be done on all sides which will help us to get our wide roads back for parking ,specially the Western & Northern Boundry , this is one of the best simple things we can do before we start celebrating silver jubilee events.This growing city is now in hunger for more Parking spaces ,occupied for various other commercial purposes .Thanks to the respected officials involved in it.
Ashish KumarIn addition to this, the whole market itself can be redone with facility of more shop space and exclusive parking zones. Somebody may try to prepare a design in that respect. We on our part will start action in that direction too.
Rajesh Garg' Blind wanted an eye n you are ready to give us two' great sir! You keep on inspiring us n we are ready to perspire...
Jean RayenSir,ill do that for the city along with the concerned Govt. Officials and support from our SJFB team. Sir, similarly a team can be set up to give a report on the present parking problems and solutions in the entire city, so we get a chance to reshape our parking slots, which could solve most of our headaches which we face now in various dimensions becoz of eaten up parking lots for un-approved commercial establishments .
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